
Featured Blog Posts
Getting to know Dr. Erin
We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce our wonderful staff and share some little known facts about Dr. Erin Chung, one of our beloved dentists.
Should you brush your gums and tongue?
While we know it’s important to brush and floss our teeth, it’s not as obvious whether we should brush our tongue or gums. The truth is, cleaning these areas goes a long way to helping your oral health.
Does Brushing Your Teeth Make You Gag?
Botox treatment can provide immediate and non-invasive relief if you are suffering from pain in your jaw such as TMJ, and can even replace the need for pain relief medication.
How Botox is a Dental Gamechanger
Botox treatment can provide immediate and non-invasive relief if you are suffering from pain in your jaw such as TMJ, and can even replace the need for pain relief medication.
A Dentist’s Take: Fluoride in our Drinking Water
Adding fluoride to drinking water is a hot topic in many cities around the world, including right here in Calgary, Canada. After a few years of not having fluoride in the drinking water, we recently voted to have it put back in. We wanted to add a dentist’s opinion to this ongoing conversation about health consequences and benefits.
5 Simple Ways to Transform Your Oral Health
Good oral habits are just that – habits that we either keep up or we don’t. Sometimes we have good habits for years and they start to slide. Maybe you never had good oral habits.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your dental history is, or what you’ve experienced so far – here are 5 simple tips that can turn your oral health around and help you maintain healthy teeth from here onwards.
Healthy Dental Tips for Diabetics
While diabetes doesn’t necessarily increase your risk of cavities, it does affect your gum tissue and support. If your diabetes is well-controlled, this is less of a concern, but poorly controlled diabetes can lead to a loss of support for your teeth and poor healing. This can lead to losing teeth prematurely.
Do Dentists Judge People’s Teeth?
The way your dentist treated you then probably has an impact on what you expect from your dentist now. If your dentist then didn’t bother to explain what was going on, inflicted more pain than was necessary, was abrupt or rude, or did a fair share of finger-wagging at you, telling you to floss more and making you feel guilty, then, first, we completely understand, and second, we would like to change the story for you.
Getting to know Dr. Erin
We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce our wonderful staff and share some little known facts about Dr. Erin Chung, one of our beloved dentists.
4 Fun Facts About Dr. Neil
We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce our wonderful staff and share some little known facts about Dr. Neil Vora, one of our beloved clinic owners.
6 Things You May Not Know About Mouthwash
Mouthwash. Should you use it? If so, what mouthwash should you be using? Is it as important as brushing and flossing?
Your questions will be answered here, as well as some interesting historical anecdotes!
What is Causing Your Jaw Pain
If you are experiencing jaw pain, whether suddenly or increasing over time, it may be due to a dental reason or to medical reasons. We’ll cover some of the reasons for jaw pain below. We recommend booking an appointment with your dentist first if you have jaw pain, rather than your family doctor, as you will likely receive a recommendation to book an assessment with a dentist anyways.
Haven’t been to the dentist for a while?
One of the most common reasons is a fear of the unknown. If you haven’t been to the dentist for a while, you start to think, what’s going on in there? What if I have lots of cavities? What if something worse is happening? You imagine showing up and receiving the bad news – it’s complicated.
4 Fun Facts About Dr. Gordon
We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce our wonderful staff and share some little known facts about us. Meet our newest colleague, Dr. Gordon He!
Welcoming Dr. Jeff Okamura! 4 Fun Facts 🙂
We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce our wonderful staff and share some little known facts about us. Meet our newest colleague, Dr. Jeff Okamura!
5 Fun Facts About Dr. Greg
We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce our wonderful staff and share some little known facts about us. Dr. Greg Villeneuve, one of our beloved clinic owners, insisted on sharing 5 fun facts about him instead of 4.
Which Toothbrush? The Dentist’s Choice
Are you in the market for a new toothbrush? We have some great news: choosing the right toothbrush can make a world of difference for your oral health. It’s one of the simplest decisions you can make if you want to take better care of your teeth.
What Are The Small Dark Spots On My Teeth?
Have you ever looked at your teeth? And we mean really looked at them under a bright light? If you have, you might have noticed a small dark spot here and there on and in between teeth (and if you’re lucky and take stellar care of your teeth, maybe you don’t have any dark spots, in which case, ignore this post!)
5 Ways to Soothe Sensitive Teeth
You can tell you have tooth sensitivity if your teeth ache when you eat food or drink liquids that are quite hot (like coffee, tea, or soup) or quite cold (like glacier-fresh water or ice cream). If you cringe at the very thought of biting down on crunchy foods or feeling air whistling through your teeth, you have sensitive teeth. Some people can even lose sleep over the pain of their sensitive teeth.
Should you brush your gums and tongue?
While we know it’s important to brush and floss our teeth, it’s not as obvious whether we should brush our tongue or gums. The truth is, cleaning these areas goes a long way to helping your oral health.
Does Brushing Your Teeth Make You Gag?
Botox treatment can provide immediate and non-invasive relief if you are suffering from pain in your jaw such as TMJ, and can even replace the need for pain relief medication.
How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist
Fearing the dentist is extremely common. If you haven’t been to the dentist for a while or you dread the experience every time you go, this blog is for you. We want to set your mind at ease and provide some tips that will make your experience more enjoyable.
What is the Most Effective Way to Whiten My Teeth?
Teeth whiteness can be affected by food and beverage stains, especially when you frequently consume drinks like red wine, coffee, and tea. To keep your teeth as white as possible on a daily basis, make sure you brush twice a day and especially after you’ve consumed these drinks before they can cause a stain! Regardless, your teeth may naturally lose whiteness over age.
How to Build Better Oral Health Habits With Ease
Your teeth are far more likely to remain healthy, resilient, and white if you create consistent habits. You already know what these habits are: brushing twice a day, flossing to remove food debris caught in your teeth, and booking regular dental checkups.
Are You Overbrushing? How to Tell and How to Stop
Over-brushing can cause long-term sensitivity and gum recession over time, so it’s important to be gentle. When it comes to brushing away plaque, opt for style over strength. Here are some simple ways you can tell you’re overdoing it!
4 Simple Ways to Prevent Cavities
I think we can all agree that preventing cavities is much better than having to get decayed teeth repaired. Generally, tooth health has improved a lot over the last few decades, which makes us dentists very happy. However, sometimes the simplest, most basic habits are still overlooked. Here are 4 habits worth developing at any age.